Bayesian Local Projections
Accepted at Review of Economics and Statistics Code [GitHub] We propose a Bayesian approach to Local Projections that optimally addresses...

Monetary-Fiscal Crosswinds in the European Monetary Union
Accepted at the European Economic Review Final draft Appendix Replica Code [ZIP] BIS working paper VoxEu column "Fiscal-monetary...

When is growth at risk?
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity Spring 2020 final draft [Link] Slides [PDF] Conference Draft [PDF] Replication code [Link] This...

S. Miranda-Agrippino, G. Ricco - The Transmission of Monetary Policy Shocks
Final paper and replica codes published on AEJ:macro (Forthcoming) [Link] Monetary Policy Instrument [.xlsx] Replication Codes [.zip]...

A Model of the Fed’s View on Inflation
Accepted at the Review of Economics and Statistics Slides ECB-Cleveland Inflation Conference (May 2020) [PDF] New Draft (August 2020)...

Financial and Fiscal Interaction in the Euro Area Crisis: This Time was Different
European Economic Review, Volume 119, October 2019 [Link] Working Paper [CEPR wp] Article on Vox "The financial origin of the euro area...